May 14, 2016 |
When I found out we were expecting, towards the 20 week mark, my husband and I went in for a scan and blood test and the doctor (who wasn't my OB) said to us that the baby looked to be a little lady. I was so excited.. so much so that we had her name picked out, nursery theme selected, and I even purchased a few items. When we got the results of the blood test a few days later (which were 100% accurate on the gender), I was told that we were having a boy - and I panicked! The idea of having a son completely terrified me. This may sound silly, but I was super nervous to have a boy simply because I've always been such a girly girl. I had dreams of a little ballerina with glittery hair bows in her hair and now the idea of sports and trucks and muddy messes made me so nervous. Yes, I know girls can be total tomboys and my little ballerina might have favored soccer cleats over pointe shoes, but the whole boy thing just had me scared! I'm not ashamed to admit that I did have a little moment where I teared up and allowed myself to be upset. I just didn't know what I would do with a little guy.
I had so many people tell me that I would love having a son and that there was nothing like a little boy for a mom - and I tell you, they were 100% right! The second Chase arrived, I knew that all of my worry and fear was so ridiculous! This little guy completely stole my heart from the first second and now I don't even know what I would've done if he actually had been a little girl! Some of the things I feared are things I cannot wait to see him do - like the first time he runs out on a field of some sort (I'm sports illiterate), and the day he comes home with the first fish he catches (I've never been the outdoorsy type either!). The simple things that I know will be the source of so much joy for him are the things I cannot wait for!
I've only been blessed to be a boy mom for a mere 9 months, but in that short span, here are just a few of my favorite things about being a boy mom:
- He's so much fun!
- He reminds me not to take life so seriously
- His morning smile when I walk into his room completely melts me!
- When he reaches his arms out for me to hold him or pick him up
- Dressing him - Those who know me personally are probably mouth open right about now because this is one ridiculous thing I used to complain about, but honestly boy clothes are fun and I know if I had had a girl, I'd need about three more jobs!
- He brings out the best of myself and my husband
- He makes me so excited for the future
If you were like me and always wanted a little girl and now find yourself terrified because you are expecting a boy, take it from someone who is now such a fan of being a boy mom, that I hope to have another one some day! Having a son is so awesome! He will brighten your day in his own little way and will make you so excited for the littlest things! He will completely take over your life and your heart and trust me... you wouldn't have it any other way!
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