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The Nine Month Update

Monday, March 6, 2017
February 12, 2017

Mr. Chase had his nine month check up this passed Thursday and he is growing like a weed!  He will be ten months old on the twelfth and I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!  I look at him now and no longer see a little baby but rather a little mini man - it's sad and so exciting at the same time!

Here are a few of the big guy's nine month stats!

Height: 29.5 inches - 85th percentile

Weight: 21 pounds - 75th percentile 

Diaper Size: He's been in a four for a bit now

Clothing Size:  As far as his tops and onesies, he can wear 12 months but we are basically in 18 month everything

Favorite Toys:  He really loves bath time and all of his bath toys.  He's also a really big fan of being pushed around in his little Ford Raptor that Santa brought him for Christmas, books are fun now too - especially touch and feel, and his little ball pit

Teeth:  Chase already has eight teeth and right now his molars are coming in - not fun at all!

Food: We are starting to introduce more "grown up" foods now and he likes pretty much everything we've been giving to him.  Puffs are a favorite for sure... little man does the happy dance as soon as he sees the container!

Sleep:  Ah the constant battle for sleep is yet to be won!  He typically goes to sleep between 8 and 8:30, wakes up at least once in the middle of the night, and is usually up for the day between 6 and 7.  Someday we will make it through the whole night... I hope!

Dislikes:  He would rather be on the go than be in anything stationary right now - the beloved bouncer is now totally pushed to the side!

Misc:  Chase visited the barber shop and got his first scissor hair cut!  He sat on Dad's lap and never fussed or moved!  

Even though we battle sleep and naps daily, this has been such a fun month!  His little personality shines through more and more each day!  He's so energetic and tries so hard to talk to you - it's the sweetest thing!  
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