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Weekend Food Adventures

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Recently, we have been trying to transition Chase from baby food to table food and from bottles to sippy cups.  This weekend we made major progress in both areas!

As far as food goes, he's been eating Gerber's second and third stage foods for a little while now.  The second stage foods usually get star shaped pastina added into them or rice/oatmeal cereal.  Typically, breakfast is a fruit mixed with one of the cereals, lunch is often a veggie mixed with a bit of pastina and half a container of fruit, and dinner is usually a meat/veggie combo with pastina (depending on what the food is made of) and he usually polishes off an entire fruit container for his dessert.  He loves to snack on puffs, baby cookies, yogurt melts, and he loves fresh fruit also.  We have been offering him bits of solid table foods for the past few weeks but not as an entire meal.... more of just a sample to see what he will like.

This weekend (I count Thurs-Mon as my weekend because I'm home those days) I decided to give him solid foods for his meals and he did great!  Everything I gave him he gobbled right up!  He has eight teeth but he's currently getting his molars so some of the "harder" things to chew he would spit out.  Overall, we tried pancakes, waffles, toast, grilled cheese, flounder (which I baked and went through with a fine tooth comb to omit any bones), chicken, turkey lunch meat, oatmeal with fruit, asparagus, and peas - just to name a few.  His pediatrician said he can have whatever we are eating but to stay away from peanut butter and raw uncooked honey for now.   Above is his dinner plate from Friday night,  He loved everything!  It makes me so happy when I know he has a fully belly!

We also crossed a major hurdle this weekend and transitioned him from his bottle to a sippy cup for his juice/water.  We tried a few spouted cups but he didn't like them and I've tried ones with straws but he doesn't exactly know how to use them just yet so those are still in the cabinet.  I did read rave reviews on the Munchkin Miracle 360 trainer cup and purchased them to test out.  Saturday we tried it out and by Sunday he was doing it all by himself!  If you are searching for a new cup, try these!  They are called a Miracle for a reason! They are easy to use, clean, and the only time I found them to leak was when they were hurled across the kitchen ;)

It made me so proud (and a little emotional) to see him being such a big boy this weekend with his big boy meals and cups!  I just can't get enough of this little guy!
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