It's hard to believe that Chase will be eleven months old on Wednesday - only a single month away from being a whole YEAR OLD - what??!!
Ten months has been a ton of fun! It's definitely the most mobile month we've experienced so far! All he wants to do is either be in his police car cruising around or pushing his activity walker around,! Chase also wants to stand a lot and is now pulling himself up from just about anything!
Here are some stats from month 10!
Ten months has been a ton of fun! It's definitely the most mobile month we've experienced so far! All he wants to do is either be in his police car cruising around or pushing his activity walker around,! Chase also wants to stand a lot and is now pulling himself up from just about anything!
Here are some stats from month 10!
- As far as his height and weight, we didn't have a doctors appointment this month so if I had to guesstimate, I'd say he's at least 25 pounds now and he's getting taller by the day!
- He's still in size four diapers but he fluctuates so much when it comes to clothing! He's in mainly 18 months but he can get away with some 12 month shirts and he's also in a few 24 month and 2T pieces (mainly jammies)
- He finally started to put his knees down when he crawls - he's been doing the "inchworm" or army crawl for a few months now so this is exiting!
- I think his beloved Nemo bouncer is officially going to retire - he does not like to be in anything stationary anymore
- Chase tries to imitate EVERYTHING - whether it be a sound or a motion, little man is sure to try to copy whatever you do!
- Words are starting to form now - he says things like Mama and Dada, but he also calls for his cousin Tyler (Ty Ty) and Myles (My My), and he says buh-bye when you leave
- If you ask him, "How old is Chase man going to be?" he will lift up his pointer finger ;)
- He had his first taste of Sunday dinner at my grandmother's house - pasta and meatballs - and loved it!
- We've finally broken a barrier with table foods! He eats mainly what we are eating now (but getting molars has set him back a bit, so he still does the purees from time to time). Some of his favorites are banana pancakes, blueberry waffles, fresh fruit, american cheese, oatmeal with fruit mixed in, grilled cheese, pasta, potatoes of any form, eggs, and homemade chicken soup. Breakfast items are by far his favorite!
- Tubby time is his favorite time of the day for sure!
- Sleep is still a mystery - some days he does really well but most we battle to fall asleep and wake at least once (or he's asleep all night but up with the chickens in the am)
- Chase loves to be outside! We had the cop car and his Raptor out finally and he loved the fresh air! Come on spring/summer!
- Little man is weary of people he's unfamiliar with and definitely makes connections when I tell him we are going to see people that he knows well
- He strongly dislikes whenever mom leaves the room!
- As far as toys, he loves anything for the bath, his new activity table that he can stand around, his push walker & police car, blocks of any kind, and his Vulli fawn teether when he's in the car
- We are beginning the weaning process with him and he's doing very well - he's down to three nursing sessions a day now. I feel the night/bedtime session is going to be the hardest one for both of us to stop :(
Those are just a few of the moments of the month! We've had such a good one (although the night thing kills me most days) and I can't wait to see what his eleventh month has in store for us!
We just love you baby boy!
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