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The Registry Series: Playtime and Toys

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
This section of the Registry Series can be considered optional because it's all about playtime and toys. Some of you will not find it absolutely essential to register for toys and that is fine - to each their own.  However, those of you who would like to add a few playtime items to your registry, I've broken this list down to essentials and extras.  All of these items I've used with Chase and some he still plays with (most actually).  Here we go ;)

I think all registries should have a jumper, playmat, and walker on them which is why I've listed these three as my essential items.  You will use these relatively quickly and for a pretty long period of time.  These three items are Chase's favorites!  He still uses them all to this day - the police car gets the most use right now because he's always on the go!

1. Play Mat: Infantino Grow-With-Me Mat & Ball Pit - This was one of the first "large toys" Chase played with.  We love this in our house because it gets more and more fun with each stage.  At first it is an activity mat and it converts into a ball pit!  It's a multipurpose item that is sure to get a lot of use!

2. Jumper: Disney Finding Nemo Sea of Activities Jumper - We love this thing!  I'm talking a deep deep love!!  We purchased this for Chase over the summer and once he went in, there was no getting him out!  This jumper is highly interactive and will stimulate almost all of your baby's senses!  There's so much color, lights, sounds, textures, and tons of  toys to play with!  It has three different height settings to grow with your baby. It's just so awesome!  Chase is quickly outgrowing it now and I think it's about time to box it up - although I have to admit, I'm going to miss seeing him bounce around in it!

3. Walker: Combi Police Car Entertainer - Play time gets more fun once your little one is ready to move!  This police car walker is adorable!  It is definitely Chase's most favorite at the moment!  It has a padded seat, a little steering wheel that honks and plays melodies, adjustable height, and a snack tray.

For the extras, I wanted to include some of the items that my son has loved and used for a while.  We are going on 11 months and almost all of these toys are still played with daily.

1. Jacques the Peacock was the first toy we ever played with and from time to time now he will pick it up.  This is a great starter item!

2. The WubbaNub isn't necessarily a toy per say, but for an infant it doubles as a toy and pacifier!

3. We have both the Sit to Stand Learning Walker by Vtech and the Little Tikes Light N Go Activity Walker and they are both wonderful!

4. Our beloved Sophie has had a bit of a bad rep lately but if you use her carefully and follow the guides/instructions, she's wonderful to have when the baby is teething or just looking for something to squeak ;)

5. The Sassy Link Ring is another great beginner item - and as a bonus, you can take it apart and use the links to extend other toys!

6. This Baby Einstein ball set was in Chase's Christmas stocking and he just loves it!  All of the balls have different elements inside of them that keep him occupied and curious!

So there you have our playtime favorites from birth to the first year!  Now don't get me wrong, there are lots of other items that he plays with now, but all of these have been kept in rotation and played with over the last 11 months.  We love them all and hope you and your babies will too!

Next up is bath time - our favorite!
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